LTS - Leading GGs Discussion Switch account
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The first step in reproducing a GG is to select an assistant. Do you think this will be hard? How would you go about doing it? *
From the Teaching
If a Growth Group is not a lecture or Bible study per se, the what is it? *
From the teaching
Confrontation is "simply addressing something that has come between 2 things that are supposed to be together".  Explain *
From the teaching
In doing a confrontation, the sandwich model says to 1) Affirm, 2) Confront and 3) Affirm. Do you see where this can help you in a current situation? Describe. *
From the teaching
The 3 A's of Group Leadership (Atmosphere, Attitude, Application) are essential to leading a successful group. What aspects of the 3 A's spoke to you most? *
From the teaching
Step #4 in the 7 Steps to Leading a Successful GG says to "Create a laboratory environment". What does that mean? How would you do that? Do mistakes happen in labs? *
From the teaching
Delegated authority comes from God, then to the leader and finally to you. What does that say about the Leader? You? *
From the book, "Spiritual Authority"
The primary credential for delegated authorities is OBEDIENCE. How does that resonate with you? Do you agree? *
From the book, "Spiritual Authority"
Anything not covered that you want to discuss?
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